User Drawn Sprites and Image Sprites
Display a blue square of size 100 placed at x-coordinate = midpoint - 200 and y-coordinate = midpoint. The square is drawn using a custom drawing function. Rotate it by 30 degrees clockwise. Display another sprite with a star image placed at x-coordinate = midpoint + 200 and y-coordinate = midpoint.
// Demo 2
const grayFrog = makeGrayFrogLibrary();
function start() {
// Load images and start demo when loading has finished
let ip = new grayFrog.ImagePreloader();
{ name: 'grid', source: 'images/grid.png' },
{ name: 'redStar', source: 'images/redStar.png' }
() => demo(ip.imageDictionary)
function demo(imageDictionary) {
// Initialize canvas, controller, and scene
let canvas = document.getElementById('demoCanvas');
let controller = new grayFrog.Controller(canvas, true);
let scene = controller.makeImageScene('main', imageDictionary.grid);
controller.scene = scene;
// Make a new sprite with name 'blueRect' at 100, 200 with dimensions
// of 100 by 100, and having no image attached
let rect = new grayFrog.DrawnSprite(
'blueRect', scene.midX - 200, scene.midY, 100, 100);
// Define a custom drawing function using fill color, stroke color,
// stroke width, fill opacity and stroke opacity
rect.customDraw = function() {
this.drawRectangleOutline('#0000cc', '#000000', 4, 0.5, 1.0);
// Add the sprite to the scene
// Add another sprite, this time using an image
let star = new grayFrog.ImageSprite(
'redStar', scene.midX + 200, scene.midY,
// Start the game loop