
Custom Updates


Create sprites moving in spiral path away from the center. Use a ball class derived from ImageSprite, having a custom update function.



// Demo 10

const grayFrog = makeGrayFrogLibrary();

function start() {
    // Load images and start demo when loading has finished    
    let ip = new grayFrog.ImagePreloader();
            { name: 'spritesheet', source: 'images/sprites.png' }
        () => demo(ip.imageDictionary)

function demo(imageDictionary) {
    // Spritesheet data
    var sprites = { 
        "blueBall" : { sx : 616, sy : 200, sw : 200, sh : 200 }, 
        "grayBall" : { sx : 816, sy : 200, sw : 200, sh : 200 }, 
        "redBall" : { sx : 1216, sy : 200, sw : 200, sh : 200 }, 

    // Initialize canvas, controller, and scene
    let canvas = document.getElementById('demoCanvas');
    let controller = new grayFrog.Controller(canvas, true);
    let scene = controller.makeDrawnScene('main', '#ffffff');
    controller.scene = scene;

    // Make a 'Ball' class
    class Ball extends grayFrog.SheetSprite {
        constructor(name, x, y, sheet, frameSpecs, direction, radius) {
            super(name, x, y, sheet, frameSpecs);
            this._direction = direction;
            this._radius = radius;

        _customUpdate(elapsed) {
            this.x = this.parent.midX + this._radius * Math.cos(this._direction);
            this.y = this.parent.midY + this._radius * Math.sin(this._direction);
            this._direction += elapsed / 3000;
            this._radius += elapsed / 30;

    // Create an infinite stream of balls
    const ballNames = ["redBall", "grayBall", "blueBall"];
    const nb = ballNames.length;
    let direction = 0;
    let count = 0;
    setInterval(() => {
        let spriteName = ballNames[count % nb];
        let ball = new Ball('ball_' + count++,
            scene.midX, scene.midY,
            imageDictionary.spritesheet, sprites[spriteName],
            direction, 0);
        ball.scale = 0.1;
        ball.edgeBehaviour = grayFrog.EDGE_BEHAVIOUR.remove;
        direction += Math.PI / 12;
    }, 10);

    // Start the game loop